Renate Wolff

Skies in Between
05.23 — 07.08.10

devening projects + editions is very pleased to invite you to the opening of Skies in Between, a new project by Berlin-based artist Renate Wolff. Skies in Between is a complex painted-wall installation that directs attention to deliberately formed elements and intersections, but offers multiple possibilities for where and how one moves through the space. Finding its locus near the back of the gallery with a large painted square, Skies in Between offers a network of interchanges that quietly move the viewer through the gallery and toward points at which a pause or a break occurs. Using color, rhythm and scale to speed up and slow down the pace, Skies in Between suggests that in an environment where surfaces are graphically articulated, measured and mapped, the reading that results is not directed to one point but open and rich with allusion.

To create Skies in Between, Renate Wolff started by identifying the individual characteristics and architectural components of the space. The walls, the floor, the door, the single vertical post, the ceiling joists and all the complicated lighting elements influenced the schematic of this complex series of conduits that link the painting to its support. Color also brings into question aspects of the room through contrast and assertive graphic clarity. How one experiences Skies in Between brings to mind the criteria through which one traditionally understands and views painting. Form, composition and emphasis are important elements of the overall structure here, but the work breaks the constraints of the rectangle to become a field layered with planes that are both actual and perceived.

Renate Wolff has shown her work extensively and internationally. She is featured in numerous collections including the Weserburg Museum in Bremen and has done site-specific projects at the the KfW-Bank in Frankfurt, the German Embassy in Mexico City, the U-Bahnstation Weberwiese/Karl-Marx-Allee in Berlin and VEBAcom in Düsseldorf. Her work has been the subject of solo and group exhibitions at DOK 25A in Düsseldorf, Galerie Deutscher Werkbund in Frankfurt, Dinter Fine Art in New York, Galerie Croxhapox in Gent, Belgium, Museum Ritter in Waldenbuch and Galerie Markus Richter in Berlin among many others. This is her first solo exhibition with the gallery.