ANNETTE HUR | ELNAZ JAVANI | EXO | January 2 – 30, 2021

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes.” – Marcel Proust

In their work, Annette Hur and Elnaz Javani tell stories of familiarity and strangeness. Common materials and accessible forms are concealed, revealed, stained and punctured to express the nuances of an encounter.

exo—, according to Julia Kuen, “…in its most general sense, implies distance and displacement beyond the immediate and toward the foreign: everything that lies outside the sum total of our current, conscious every day even, everything that does not belong to our usual ‘mental tonality’.”

The process can be seen as an exotic adventure—a conversation of openness and flexibility between home and away, familiarity and strangeness.

Where and how one finds “place” is what ultimately defines so many of our desires.